Reconnecting With Your New Year’s Fitness Resolutions
With spring in full swing and summer just around the corner, it’s easy to forget all those New Year’s resolutions we made back in January. If you made fitness goals you haven’t been keeping up with, you’re far from alone. According to an article from Forbes, improved fitness is the most popular New Year’s goal; however, most people fall off track within a couple of months.
The good news is that there are always opportunities to start again, and summer is the perfect time for new beginnings! It’s warm outside, the days are longer, and there’s a feeling of optimism in the air. Here are some ways to reconnect with your New Year’s fitness resolutions.
- Remember why you made your goals in the first place. If you made a list, reread it, and try to remember how it felt when you wrote it. Were you excited and optimistic? Or were you overwhelmed and unenthused? If you have positive and excited feelings about your fitness resolutions, you’re much more likely to keep them than if you’re always dreading your workouts. Also, remember what motivated you to make your fitness goals in the first place. Did you make them just because you thought that’s what you’re supposed to do? Or was it something you really wanted to do for yourself? Remembering your motivating factors is a good place to begin when resetting your goals.
- Readjust your goals if necessary. Maybe your goals were overwhelming or simply unrealistic (e.g. wanting to lose 20 pounds in two weeks) or vague and unspecific (e.g. just wanting to “eat healthier”). These are both very common situations, and both can be setting you up for failure. Maybe you need to start smaller. If you find that your goals are just too much, start by adding some doable, consistent changes into your routine, such as: Take the stairs at work instead of the elevator, walk around your neighborhood two days a week, or drink an extra glass of water every day. Making small, consistent changes turn into lifelong habits which you can build upon.
- Remember that it doesn’t have to be all or nothing. In fact, this is a surefire way to fail, because nobody can be perfect all the time. You might be exhausted from a long work day and find you just can’t make it to the gym or decide to grab drinks with friends on a beautiful day instead of working out. That’s fine; rest days are important, of course, and missing a couple of days is not going to ruin all your progress. The trick is to not use it as an excuse to fall off the bandwagon completely. Don’t feel guilty—just get right back into your routine the next day, and you’ll be fine. This way, you’re setting yourself up for long-term progress.
- Find some fun and different ways to work fitness into your new routine. There should be a fun element to fitness, or at least, your fitness routine should be something that works for you. During the summer, there are so many opportunities to freshen up your fitness routine. With the nice weather and longer days, you can go for runs or long walks outside, or move your workout to an outdoor fitness area. Sign up for some outdoor fitness classes (many cities have these for free, or they might be included with your gym membership). Or if the heat makes you sluggish and working out outside isn’t your thing, use that as motivation to get to the gym, take some indoor classes, or work out at home—assuming that all those places have air conditioning!
- Consult with a trainer for extra support if you need it. If you’re feeling a bit lost with your fitness goals, perhaps you need some outside perspective. It might help to consult with a personal trainer and sign up for a few sessions. A trainer might be able to help you hone your routine in areas where you need it and help you figure out what’s working or what’s not. Plus, a good personal trainer will be invested in you and will want to see you succeed, so having someone cheer you on is always a great motivator!
Can you think of any other ways to reconnect with your New Year’s fitness resolutions?