The 1st Step in Successful (Long term) Weight Loss
Everyone wants to look good naked (and who could blame them?) Any trainer who works with the general population can attest to the fact that weight loss is by far the most common goal of anyone who decides to start a fitness routine. With so many people pursuing this goal, you’d think that we would […]
Part two: 6-10 of 15 “Salt and Pepper” Techniques for Strength and Muscle Growth
A reminder of 1-5 of 15 Drop sets Mechanical Drop Set Rest pause Band Assist Band Resisted 6-10 of 15 “Salt and Pepper” Techniques for Strength and Muscle Growth 6) Tempo change Many lifters become married to the 1010 tempo (one count up, one count down, video). Some will occasionally throw in a slow eccentric […]
Part one: 1-5 of 15 “Salt and Pepper” Techniques for Strength and Muscle Growth
Everyone who’s worked with weights is familiar with a straight set and rep scheme. You pick an exercise, choose a weight, and do the prescribed number of reps. This type of training can get you very far. It took me from a weightlifting newbie to winning my first few fitness competitions. But after a while, […]
Top 4 Benefits of a Hands On Training Education
Picture this: you’re interviewing heart surgeons for an upcoming surgery. You ask the surgeon about their qualifications. They confidently reply, “Well, I watched a bunch of youtube videos on surgery…and I look really good holding a scalpel.” This is what the world of personal training is like. I often tell the class at AAPT that […]
8 Ways To Perk Yourself Up During The Day
It’s 3PM. Lunchtime is long gone. Your eyes are starting to glaze over. You feel antsy, yet tired. It’s becoming difficult to concentrate on your work and productivity is plummeting. There’s still work to be done, but you just can’t muster the energy to perform your best. What do you do? Fear not! There are […]
An Elegant Solution for Robust Health and Well Being
What’s the best exercise to stay healthy? A few months back I was standing in the never ending line at the bank. I struck up a conversation with the friendly security guy. Our talk turned towards fitness and training (as it not-so-coincidentally does quite often in my life). He was a fairly fit gent at […]
How Do We Know Things (In Health and Fitness)
Information Overload: When it comes to fitness one thing we have in abundance is information. Believe it or not, this isn’t a recent trend, even 30 years ago we were bombarded with advice. Family and friends touted the ‘cure that worked for them’. Books and magazines held the promise of the Ultimate Workout Routine, and […]